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Gusto Review: Features, Pros & Cons



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What is Gusto?

Gusto is a cloud-based payroll, benefits, and HR platform that provides businesses with an all-in-one solution for managing their employee information. The platform offers features such as automatic payroll processing, employee self-onboarding, and health insurance benefits management. Gusto aims to simplify the HR process for businesses, allowing them to focus on growing their business while Gusto handles the administrative tasks. Gusto is designed for small to medium-sized businesses and is used by companies across a variety of industries.

Gusto Pros and Cons

Gusto Pros

Gusto Cons

  • Gusto has limited integration options, which may be a disadvantage for businesses with existing systems in place.
  • Some users have reported that Gusto’s reporting capabilities are limited compared to other HR platforms.
  • Gusto is a premium service and is priced higher than some other HR platforms, which may be a drawback for smaller businesses with limited budgets.
  • Gusto has limited customization options, which may not meet the specific needs of some businesses.
  • Gusto focuses on payroll and benefits management, but may not provide the level of HR support that some businesses need.

Gusto Core Features

Gusto offers a multitude of features and integrations, which are the foundation and key features of the software.

Payroll Processing

Payroll Processing is one of the core features of Gusto. It allows businesses to automate the payroll process, making it quick and simple to calculate payroll, pay employees, and file taxes. With Gusto, businesses can easily set up payroll schedules, calculate taxes, and process direct deposits for employees. The platform also provides tools for managing employee information, including personal information, tax information, and pay history. Additionally, Gusto helps businesses stay compliant with federal, state, and local payroll regulations, ensuring that businesses are up-to-date with the latest payroll laws. Overall, Gusto’s payroll processing feature provides a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to simplify the payroll process.

Benefits Management

Benefits Management is another core feature of Gusto. This feature provides businesses with a comprehensive solution for enrolling employees in benefits such as health insurance, 401(k), and other benefits. Gusto integrates with a range of benefit providers, making it easy for businesses to enroll employees in benefits and manage the administration of benefits. The platform also provides tools for tracking employee benefits, including enrollment and coverage information, as well as tools for managing benefit costs and payments. With Gusto, businesses can streamline the benefits enrollment process, reduce administrative overhead, and provide employees with a range of benefits options. This feature is particularly useful for small to medium-sized businesses looking to simplify the benefits management process.

HR Management

HR Management is a key feature of Gusto, providing businesses with tools to manage HR processes such as employee onboarding, performance tracking, and compliance management. Gusto offers an employee self-onboarding process that enables new hires to complete necessary paperwork and enroll in benefits online. The platform also provides performance tracking tools to help businesses monitor employee performance and growth, as well as compliance management tools to ensure that businesses are in compliance with federal, state, and local HR regulations. Additionally, Gusto offers HR support services, including HR best practices and advice on managing HR processes. Overall, Gusto’s HR management feature provides a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to streamline HR processes and support employee growth and development.

Time Tracking

Time Tracking is a feature of Gusto that helps businesses to accurately track employee hours and manage time off requests. With Gusto, employees can clock in and out, submit time off requests, and view their schedules. Managers can approve time off requests, track employee hours, and manage overtime. The platform integrates with the payroll processing feature to ensure that employee hours are accurately reflected in payroll calculations. This feature provides businesses with a comprehensive solution for managing employee time and ensuring that they are paid accurately and on time.


Compliance is a key feature of Gusto, helping businesses to stay compliant with federal, state, and local payroll and HR regulations. Gusto’s compliance management tools provide businesses with up-to-date information on payroll and HR regulations, including tax requirements, minimum wage laws, and other regulations. The platform also integrates with the payroll processing and HR management features to ensure that businesses are in compliance with all relevant regulations. Additionally, Gusto provides a compliance dashboard that allows businesses to monitor their compliance status, ensuring that they are always up-to-date with the latest regulations. This feature is particularly useful for small to medium-sized businesses that may not have a dedicated HR or compliance team. Gusto’s compliance management tools provide peace of mind, helping businesses to avoid penalties and fines associated with non-compliance.

Reporting and Analytics

Reporting and Analytics is a feature of Gusto that provides businesses with insights into their payroll, HR, and benefits data. The platform generates a range of reports, including payroll reports, HR reports, and benefits reports, providing businesses with a comprehensive view of their data. Gusto’s reporting and analytics tools also provide real-time data, enabling businesses to quickly identify trends and make informed decisions. Additionally, the platform integrates with a range of third-party data analysis tools, providing businesses with the ability to further analyze their data and generate custom reports. This feature is particularly useful for businesses looking to gain a deeper understanding of their payroll, HR, and benefits data and make informed decisions. Gusto’s reporting and analytics tools provide businesses with the insights they need to grow and succeed.

Mobile Access

Mobile Access is a feature of Gusto that enables businesses to manage payroll, HR, and benefits on-the-go. The Gusto mobile app provides businesses with real-time access to their payroll, HR, and benefits data, including employee information, time tracking, and benefit enrollments. With the Gusto mobile app, businesses can approve time off requests, track employee hours, and manage payroll from anywhere, at any time. This feature is particularly useful for businesses with a remote workforce or businesses that require mobility in their HR and payroll processes. Gusto’s mobile access feature provides businesses with the flexibility they need to manage payroll, HR, and benefits, no matter where they are.

Customer Support

Customer Support is an important feature of Gusto, providing businesses with the help they need to effectively manage their payroll, HR, and benefits processes. Gusto offers a range of support options, including email, phone, and live chat support, ensuring that businesses can get the help they need, when they need it. The platform also provides a comprehensive help center with articles and resources, enabling businesses to find answers to their questions quickly and easily. Additionally, Gusto’s customer support team is comprised of experts in payroll, HR, and benefits, providing businesses with expert advice and guidance. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that are new to payroll and HR processes, or for those that require additional support to effectively manage their processes. Gusto’s customer support provides businesses with the peace of mind they need to effectively manage their payroll, HR, and benefits processes.

Gusto Pricing Plans

Gusto offers a range of pricing plans to meet the needs of businesses of different sizes and industries. The company offers a Core plan, which includes payroll processing, HR management, and benefits management, starting at $39 per month plus $6 per employee per month. Gusto also offers an Complete plan, which includes all of the features of the Core plan, as well as time tracking and compliance management, starting at $59 per month plus $12 per employee per month. Additionally, Gusto offers an Elite plan, which includes all of the features of the Complete plan, as well as dedicated HR support and enhanced reporting and analytics, starting at $149 per month plus $24 per employee per month. Gusto’s pricing is transparent, with no hidden fees, and businesses only pay for the employees they have on payroll. The company also offers a 30-day free trial, enabling businesses to try Gusto before they buy.

Additional Functionality

Gusto provides additional functionality to support businesses in their payroll, HR, and benefits processes. The platform integrates with a range of third-party tools, including accounting and HR software, enabling businesses to streamline their HR and payroll processes. Gusto also provides an API, enabling businesses to integrate Gusto’s functionality into their own software and applications.

In addition to its core features, Gusto also offers a range of value-added services, including dedicated HR support, HR audits, and custom onboarding and offboarding processes. Gusto’s value-added services are designed to provide businesses with the support they need to effectively manage their HR and payroll processes, while also ensuring that they remain compliant with employment laws and regulations.

Gusto’s focus on innovation and customer satisfaction has resulted in a platform that provides businesses with a comprehensive and effective solution for their payroll, HR, and benefits processes. Gusto’s additional functionality provides businesses with the tools they need to streamline their HR and payroll processes, while also providing peace of mind and ensuring compliance with employment laws and regulations.

Gusto Ease of Use

Gusto is designed with ease of use in mind, making it simple for businesses to manage their payroll, HR, and benefits processes. The platform features an intuitive user interface, with clear and concise navigation, making it easy for businesses to find the information and tools they need. Gusto also provides a range of tutorials and guides, as well as a comprehensive help center, to support businesses in their use of the platform.

Gusto’s payroll processing and HR management features are simple and straightforward, with step-by-step instructions and guidance provided throughout the process. The platform also provides a range of automated features, such as automatic tax calculations, which help to minimize the risk of errors and ensure compliance with employment laws and regulations.

The Gusto mobile app is also designed for ease of use, providing businesses with real-time access to their payroll, HR, and benefits data from their mobile devices. The Gusto mobile app is easy to navigate, with clear and concise information, enabling businesses to manage their payroll and HR processes from anywhere, at any time.

Gusto Safety and Security

Gusto takes safety and security very seriously and implements strict measures to protect the sensitive information of its customers. The platform is hosted on secure servers and uses encryption technology to protect the transmission of sensitive information. Gusto also implements regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential security risks.

Gusto is compliant with a range of industry and government standards, including SOC 2 Type 2, PCI DSS, and the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework. These certifications and standards ensure that Gusto meets the highest standards for security, privacy, and data protection.

Gusto’s customer support team is also available 24/7 to assist businesses with any questions or concerns they may have about the safety and security of their information. The company also provides regular updates and notifications about its security measures and any potential risks, enabling businesses to take the necessary steps to protect their information.

Gusto Customer Service and Support

Gusto places a strong emphasis on customer service and support, providing its customers with a range of resources and tools to help them effectively manage their payroll, HR, and benefits processes.

Gusto offers 24/7 customer support, with a dedicated team of experts available to assist customers with any questions or concerns they may have. Customers can reach out to Gusto’s support team through phone, email, live chat, and the company’s online help center.

The Gusto online help center is a comprehensive resource, with articles, tutorials, and guides to help customers navigate the platform and get the most out of its features. The help center also includes a searchable knowledge base, enabling customers to quickly find answers to their questions.

In addition to its customer support resources, Gusto also provides a range of educational resources, including webinars, case studies, and best practices guides, to help businesses stay up-to-date on payroll, HR, and benefits best practices.

Gusto Alternatives

Gusto is a popular HR and payroll management platform, but there are several alternative solutions that offer similar or additional features. Some popular alternatives to Gusto include:

  • ADP: A leading provider of payroll, HR, and benefits solutions, ADP offers a range of solutions for businesses of all sizes.
  • Paychex: Another popular provider of payroll and HR solutions, Paychex offers a range of services, including payroll processing, employee benefits, and more.
  • Zenefits: A cloud-based HR management platform that offers a range of tools for benefits administration, payroll management, and more.
  • Square Payroll: A simple and affordable payroll solution for small businesses, Square Payroll offers a range of features, including direct deposit, tax filing, and more.
  • Workday: A comprehensive HR management platform that offers a range of services, including payroll, benefits administration, and more, for large enterprises.

These are just a few of the many Gusto alternatives available, and businesses should carefully consider their specific needs and requirements when choosing the best HR and payroll management platform for their organization.

Is Gusto Right for Your Business?

Gusto is ideal for startups and small businesses that are in a growth phase. It was created to meet the demand for payroll solutions for businesses with a large contractor-based workforce and continues to be a top choice for this type of business.

Gusto is perfect for business owners seeking to maximize automation and efficiency in their processes. However, if you require a tailored solution with individualized support, Gusto may not be the ideal platform for you. In such cases, an enterprise-level solution, although more expensive, could provide the personalized attention you need.


Gusto is a comprehensive online payroll and HR solution designed specifically for startups and small businesses. It streamlines the complex tasks of payroll processing and benefits administration, handling payroll for employees and contractors, as well as benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and more. Additionally, Gusto offers extra features, including automatic charitable contributions and an employee wallet for greater financial control. We have thoroughly assessed Gusto’s platform to assist you in determining if it’s the best fit for your business.

Gusto FAQ

A Gusto FAQ section would typically include answers to common questions related to the platform’s payroll processing, HR management, benefits management, and other core features. Some examples of questions that may be included in a Gusto FAQ are:

What is Gusto and what does it offer?

Gusto is a cloud-based HR, payroll, and benefits platform that provides businesses with a comprehensive suite of tools and resources to manage their payroll, HR, and benefits processes. Gusto offers a range of features including payroll processing, benefits management, HR management, time tracking, compliance, reporting and analytics, and mobile access, among others.

How does Gusto’s payroll processing work?

Gusto’s payroll processing is designed to be fast, simple, and accurate. Businesses can easily enter employee information and pay details into the platform, and Gusto will handle all of the calculations and compliance requirements for them. The platform also integrates with a range of banking and payment providers to enable seamless payroll processing and distribution.

What HR management features does Gusto offer?

Gusto provides a range of HR management tools and resources, including employee records management, performance tracking, and employee engagement tools. Gusto also offers an online benefits marketplace, enabling employees to choose from a range of benefits options, and an employee self-service portal, allowing employees to access their HR and payroll information anytime, anywhere.

How does Gusto handle benefits management?

Gusto provides a range of benefits management tools and resources, including an online benefits marketplace and employee self-service portal. Businesses can choose from a range of benefits options, including health insurance, dental insurance, and paid time off, and Gusto will handle all of the enrollment, administration, and compliance requirements for them.

How does Gusto ensure compliance with government regulations?

Gusto takes compliance very seriously and strives to ensure that its platform is fully compliant with all relevant government regulations. The company has a dedicated team of compliance experts who are constantly monitoring changes in regulations to ensure that the platform remains up-to-date and compliant.

What reporting and analytics tools does Gusto provide?

Gusto provides a range of reporting and analytics tools to help businesses understand their payroll and HR data. The platform includes customizable dashboards, real-time reports, and analytics tools that provide insight into key metrics, such as employee headcount, payroll costs, benefits spending, and more. Gusto also provides detailed financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements, to help businesses make informed financial decisions. Additionally, Gusto integrates with popular accounting and reporting tools, such as QuickBooks, to provide a seamless experience for businesses.

Is Gusto available on mobile devices?

Yes, Gusto offers a mobile app for iOS and Android devices. The app allows users to manage payroll and benefits, view company reports, and access important HR information on-the-go. This makes it easy for businesses to stay on top of their HR tasks and respond to employee needs, even when they’re away from their desk.

What type of customer support does Gusto offer?

Gusto offers multiple channels of customer support to its users, including email, phone, and live chat. The company also provides an extensive knowledge base with articles and tutorials to help users navigate the platform and answer common questions. Additionally, Gusto offers premium support options for an additional fee, which provide dedicated support from a dedicated customer success manager and expedited response times. Gusto strives to provide high-quality support to help businesses get the most out of their HR and payroll management systems.

How does Gusto pricing work?

Gusto offers a subscription-based pricing model, with plans starting at $39 per month. The pricing is based on the number of employees and the features required. Gusto offers three main plans: Core, Complete, and Concierge. The Core plan provides basic payroll and HR management functionality, while the Complete plan includes more advanced HR tools and compliance support. The Concierge plan is a premium offering that provides dedicated support and customized HR services. Gusto also offers a range of additional services, such as benefits administration, time tracking, and more, which can be added to any of its plans for an additional fee. Gusto provides a flexible pricing structure to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes and industries.

What additional functionality does Gusto offer?

Gusto offers a range of additional functionality to complement its core payroll and HR management services. These include: Benefits administration, Time tracking, Expense tracking, Performance management, HR documents.

Ready to get started using Gusto? Get started here.

Akanksha Raj
Akanksha Rajhttps://bestvalueinfo.com/
Hi, I'm Akanksha Raj, I love to explore new things and I'm here to post some really cool stuff for you. My passion for helping people in all aspects of daily things flows through in the respective industries coverage I provide.

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